About Our Staff

Tony Guido
"Tony is the second-generation owner of Tony's Auto Service Center. Tony serves on the Better Business Bureau's Automotive Repair and Advisory Committee (ARAC); he served as chairman of that committee in 2006 and 2007. He has served on the NAPA Auto Care Advisory Board and the American Automobile Association (AAA) Advisory Board. He is also the facilitator/co-founder of the Auto Repair Partners of Arizona (ARP of AZ) which reviews and looks at the future trends and management of independent auto repair shops."

Catherine Guido
"My name is Catherine Guido. My experience is a little different than most since I am Tony’s sister. We were raised by parents that instilled in us unquestionable ethics and morals, almost to the point of making it difficult to make money when doing business. Ethics is shown in so many forms, and for me, it has been in the compassion and honesty that is shown to all customers, employees, and our community. For us, ethics is not a challenge, but the only way we conduct business. I would like to share a couple of my experiences.
I started as the bookkeeper and worked my way up to General Manager of the shop. As bookkeeper, when I would find an error in pricing or addition, we would always call the customer and alert them of the error. The response was always surprise and a comment about how they would have never even known.
When I moved up the ranks, and Tony spent less time in the shop, I became the customer advocate. Tony wanted me to always put myself in the customer’s shoes when any type of concern or issue arose, and to think ahead before a job is sold to recheck pricing and possible warranty issues. I am a difficult customer to please sometimes, as I expect as good as I give when it comes to service, professionalism, and quality.
We have a wonderful opportunity to participate in community service, not only as a group through matching donated funds, and doing service projects we do together, but also giving special pricing to community non-profits such as Salvation Army and Saint Mary’s Food Bank, just to name a couple. We also have the ability to decide, on a case-by-case basis, to meet not only a customer’s repair needs, but occasional personal needs as well.
Tony spent years teaching me the ropes and the best, most ethical business practices. We have met at least weekly over the years. I now have the opportunity to share that experience with our Assistant Manager who someday soon will make it possible for me to retire. There is a great sense of pride in sharing what you have learned, especially when you are passionate about and proud of what you do."
I have since stepped down as general manager and now provide marketing services for the shop.

Scott Petrie
"My name is Scott Petrie and I am the General Manager of Tony's Auto. I would like to share my thoughts on how Tony and Catherine have made Tony’s Auto Service Center a caring, ethical, and nurturing place of employment. When I first started here in February of 1990, I knew nothing about how a business ran or how to work on a vehicle, except to change the oil. Little by little, the confidence and training I received from Tony and staff set me on a career path that I not only excel in, but about which I am passionate. I received the highest certifications one can attain as a technician from the Automotive Service Excellence.
Tony has always asked us for our personal goals, in order to help us achieve them. He guides us along the way to help us realize them, and since then he has brought forward a 25-year plan for the shop, which includes the employees’ future in the business. Tony has retirement plans for all of us, and has paid for a health care plan for my wife and me. Tony, or Catherine, meets with us quarterly to go over our goals and how to achieve financial independence for retirement. I think this is a great way to ensure the longevity of the business, our personal futures, and of course, make Tony a rich man!
I take great pride in our customer service and the ethical way we treat everyone from staff, to customers and vendors. We strive, practice, and train in the best and most ethical ways to conduct a business and have fun along the way.
I am proud of the community service we do here as well, especially the relationship we have formed with Detour Theatre Company, an adult mentally and physically handicapped group.
We occasionally have company parties so we can get together outside of work and have fun. We have been bowling, racing go-carts, attended comedy shows, and have had dinner at several places.
I have a hard time relaxing, so I would usually just take one vacation day at a time. Ten years ago, Tony decided that for my health and peace of mind, I needed a real vacation. I still balked, but since he paid for half of it, I went, and it was great! I have now been taking my vacations regularly. In 2010, a position in management became available, and I was interested in becoming the service manager. Catherine and Tony sent me to management classes so I could work my way towards a degree in management through Automotive Management Institute. I could not have accomplished all that I have without the help of this company."

Tyler Grant
"My name is Tyler Grant. I have been working at Tony’s Auto Service Center for nine years. I started at Tony’s as a cleanup and rides guy while I attended Universal Technical Institute. When I graduated they offered me a position as a part time lube tech, along with my prior duties, all with hopes of becoming a full time technician. In April of 2010, I got that chance, and since then, I have progressed to a Master Tech with a Level 1 Advanced Engine Certification.
Tony’s focuses on continuing education and hands-on training. We are lucky enough to have Ron Hunt, a technician who has been with Tony’s for over 30 years. Tony’s has set me up with Ron as a mentor/on-site trainer. He has a wealth of hands-on and technical knowledge that you cannot put a price on or find in a book. We are working together as challenges arise in diagnostic training. Ron has also been setting up scenarios of past difficult diagnoses he has encountered and is having me diagnose them on dummy cars. This experience is invaluable and would be difficult to replicate in a typical training class. Tony’s is going the extra mile to insure my future, as well as its own, to have a top technician ready to perform with the changing times.
I enjoy working at Tony’s for many reasons. The atmosphere is good; we all respect each other (most of the time). We know how to do things the right way. The pay is great; I have been blessed with several unexpected raises over the years, and I’m very thankful for that. The benefits here are great as well. For the five years I was a lube tech, rides and clean up guy, Tony’s was paying off my school loan, which was a huge help. I also have health insurance and matched giving to a retirement plan.
At Tony’s we have meetings about things we have done wrong and how to fix them, and also things we have done right and how to continue doing them. WE have good morals and only sell what needs to be done for repairs or maintenance. When we mess up, we admit it and correct the problem. Over the nine years that I’ve been here, I have unfortunately had two accidents outside of work that have put me out for a few months at a time. During that time I was thankful to have received short-term disability pay from Tony’s, and each time, my job was here waiting for me when I recovered. That is truly rare. Tony’s Auto Service has also done many unexpected things: given an amazing bonus, sponsored cool company parties, and given small loans when needed if work is slow and finances are tight. In April 2011, I got married, and most of the shop was there; it was nice to have their support, and it was also great to see them in nice clothes for a change!! Almost didn’t recognize them!
I am very involved in my church and its youth group, and Tony’s supports that. Every year I go on a Work and Witness trip to Mexico for a week to help build houses and churches during the day, and hold Vacation Bible School in the evenings. That trip is in the summer months, usually end of June/start of July, and that is our busy season. Tony’s still lets me go, and I am thankful for that.
I look forward to seeing how we can grow and improve even more in the future. I will enjoy working at Tony’s for as long as God wants me here."

Chuck Parke
"My name is Chuck Parke. I have worked my whole adult life in the automotive field. I have had jobs from working on race cars to working for the rural metro fire department, building their vehicles from scratch. Some jobs were better than others, but none of them were what I wanted: I missed working on cars.
Many of the small shops where I have worked shut down, and some I found to be dishonest and unethical. The last shop where I worked seemed to have a lot of work, but never had enough money when it came to pay day. Every Friday, employees were racing to the bank to get there before anybody else in the company could cash their checks. I was even told privately one day, “Here is your check. Quick! Get to the bank before anyone else, and cash it.” I lived like that for about a year, and slowly, my hours were cut…until I decided I’d had enough.
I live in the same neighborhood as Tony’s Auto, so I stopped by one day. As it happened, they hired me! I started the next day and never looked back. I have never been happier. I did not know there were places where the boss did not talk to you without a slew of four-letter words; I have never heard so many “Thank you”s and “You’re welcome”s in my life.
When I first started, I was so financially strapped, I did not know what I was going to do. Tony offered to give me an advance to keep my head above water. I had only been there two days when this happened, and that is when I knew life was going to get better. I have never worked in a place where there is paid training, and I get paid to attend!
I have been here for three years and have enjoyed every bit of it. I used to wake up in the morning saying, “I have my job. I hate my job,” but not here. Tony’s is like a family; they help in any way they can. We have had company get-togethers, and I have even attended one of my coworkers. I feel like part of the family, and life is good!"

Jose Fierro
"My name is Jose Fierro. I have been employed with the Tony’s Auto family for 10 years. I moved to Phoenix to attend Universal Technical Institute when I realized that I have a love of working on cars. I had no support and found it very difficult to make ends meet at times. I started working with Tony’s part time while going to school. I fell in love with the place and realized I wanted to stay after I graduated. I really like the staff and customers, and I learn something new every day.
I have had difficulties passing the technical certifications needed to be a top technician. The staff has helped me by studying with me. Many companies would have given me the boot, but if I fail at something, Tony’s gives me the opportunity to better myself; I really appreciate that. That is one of the many reasons I continue to work here with pride. I have learned. I have learned so much from the staff, and I do not feel alone, being far away from my family, because I am a part of the Tony’s Auto family. They have helped me many times with financial support when I have needed it.
Tony’s pays for all the training classes I have attended; I really like that. We have regular meetings where we talk about mistakes that have been made and how we can prevent them from happening again. I also have a lot of pride when I learn that our company has received new awards. Sometimes I think Tony’s policies are a little too strict, but if it were not for them, the company would not be as good as it is. There is a reason for every policy.
I have difficulties with multitasking, and my particular job involves many different tasks that often get interrupted. What I appreciate is that when I have trouble, tasks are explained instead of pushed on me if I have a difficult time adapting. I have realized this is a very fast-paced business!
I can’t say enough about how proud I am to be a part of this great company. One of my many jobs here is driving customers home. There is no better feeling than a customer expressing how loyal and honest Tony’s is. That is one of the reasons I wake up every morning and thank God for working in this environment."

Randy Reid
"My name is Randy Reid, and I have been a technician for over 30 years. I originally started working for Tony’s back in 1988, and was happy to be able to return to the team in 2017. I am an Arcadia neighborhood native, and I love this neighborhood. I really enjoy working on some of the older vehicles that come into the shop, as keeping some of the classics on the road is a passion of mine. One of my goals that Tony’s is helping me achieve is diagnosis of some the new complex computer systems that many newer vehicles are equipped with.
I came back to Tony’s because I have always enjoyed working with the crew here, a few of the guys have been working here since I first worked here! It really says something when a shop can maintain a consistent group of employees, especially in the automotive field. I really enjoy being able to spend my weekends with my family, and the ability to enjoy my cabin in Williams with them. As I mentioned earlier, Tony’s is focused on ongoing education and in my short time back, I have attended several classes that have been very informational and helpful.
I’m very happy to back as a part of the Tony’s crew again, and plan to stay for a long time!"
Some comments from our crew
"My relationship with Tony's Auto has been a long and pleasant experience. Starting with Tony’s father 30 years ago I have learned much about how to properly diagnose and repair cars as well as how to greet and talk to customers in terms they can understand. My current role at Tony’s has several responsibilities. I am the lead technician in charge of all diagnosis and repairs. I am a mentor to Tyler and Jose and assist Juan and Scott when they have problems. I also help Dan and Catherine to put technical terms into laymen’s terms so they can explain to customers why the repair is needed and what work was done. I also receive many calls from other shops and help them find the proper information to properly diagnose problem cars.
We try to foresee possible problems such as additional parts before selling the job. There are times when an additional part just breaks due to age or even a technical error. When this happens we stop and tell the service and parts manager so they can get a price and call the customer if additional funds are needed to repair the vehicle. Often there is not additional labor just the price of the part."
– Ron Hunt
"I love working for Tony's because they treat customers like family. They do not pressure sell customers in to buying repairs, they advise on work needed and prioritize for them. I also am very proud of the fact that we are almost green, I appreciate that we are doing our part to save the environment.
When we are performing a repair and it is found that another part is going bad or has broke, we stop and give the invoice back to the parts manager for a revised estimate so the customer stays involved. If labor to repair additional problem is crossover labor, labor is discounted to actual time to perform additional repair."
– Scott Petrie